If you're an educator—or really anyone in the education field—chances are you're familiar with Jennifer Gonzalez and Cult of Pedagogy.
If you’re not yet acquainted, I highly recommend visiting the Cult of Pedagogy website and following their social media channels.
Jennifer is truly one of the most intentional educators I’ve ever encountered. Everything she shares is incredibly valuable and meticulously crafted to benefit teachers.
I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Jennifer to explore strategies for equipping all students with essential executive functioning skills.
In her characteristic style, Jennifer sums this up with one insightful phrase:
“Weathers has developed a system for embedding executive functions into any teacher’s regular schedule. It doesn’t take a lot of time, it’s not particularly difficult to learn, it leaves plenty of room for teaching your regular lessons as planned, and rather than being “one more thing,” it should make it more likely for students to absorb your material and do well in your class.”
Tune in and listen by clicking here.
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