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Organized Binder Helps Teach the Whole Child

Posted by 
Mitch Weathers
April 9, 2014



Teacher: Abbie Korman
 Sequoia High School | Sequoia Union High School District | California
Years Teaching: Four Years



Abbie Korman is an English teacher at Sequoia High School in the Redwood City, CA. In her second year of service Abbie adopted Organized Binder in her English classes and in the past year has become an Organized Binder Trainer and works with school to help them implement the system as well as presenting at educational conferences around the state of California. She recently wrote the following reflecting on her personal adoption of Organized Binder:



Like I do, Mitch believes that the job of the teacher is more than teaching content—we both acknowledge that as teachers we are working with a whole person who needs to also learn the skills of being organized and responsible and who needs to feel accepted, heard, and supported. While I felt somewhat confident teaching two of those three, it was not until learning about Organized Binder that I had a way to explicitly teach the skills of being a student.

Organized Binder is a critical part of my instructional practice, and I attribute a lot of my students’ successes to the many things Organized Binder does in the classroom and reminds me to do. My students not only have organized binders and can find any paper I ask of them even from August, but they make goals and reflect on them, know how to figure out what they have missed when absent, are engaged from bell-to-bell, have resources with which to study, and feel proud of their ability to keep themselves and their paperwork together…to mention a few.

Every year since implementing Organized Binder, when asked what students learned from Ms. Korman’s class in my closing survey, without fail I have over 65% of my students say the main thing they learned in English was organization. While the grammar gods may not like that answer, I find it heartening and hopeful—it means these students will go on able to study for tests because they know when the test is, with what to study and even how to do the studying. Even more than that, it means through Organized Binder I am preparing my students to manage some of the realities they will face in adulthood.

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