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Case Study: Overbrook High School

Posted by 
Mitch Weathers
February 5, 2014



Teacher: Morgan Zielinski
 Overbrook High School | Pine Hill School District | New Jersey
Years Teaching: First year



Morgan Zielinski is a first year high school science teacher at Overbrook High School in the Pine Hill School District in New Jersey. She recently contacted us at Organized Binder saying, “I stumbled upon this site because I simply googled how to help high school students organize a binder. I am a new teacher this year at a high school in south Jersey and I see that my students are severely lacking organizational skills…” A week later Morgan was trained by attending one of our webinars to become an Organized Binder Certified Teacher. She implemented the system in her classroom this week and sent the following update:



“WOW! Today is day 2 of Organized Binder in my classroom (Monday was a snow day, gotta love the east coast). It is going so well! In just 2 days my students and my classroom have transformed! It has been amazing how my students have taken to the system, they really like it- colorful papers, organization, consistency, a place to write their assignments and dates (who wouldn’t love that?!). We are all on the same page all the time, communication in my classroom has improved, and I don’t have an anxiety attack every time I hand them papers!
As a new teacher, it has also really helped me create procedures, expectations, and routines in my classroom and it is working wonderfully! I honestly could not be happier. My students have an open notebook quiz on Friday (of course we wrote it in the Agenda (Page C) on Tuesday, so there is no more forgetting) to reinforce their organizational efforts from this week! I am really proud of my students for rising to the occasion.
Thank you very much for giving me the tools to take my class and students to the next level! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders thanks to Organized Binder!
Morgan Z.”
Morgan, we are thrilled you have joined the Organized Binder team and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to send us this update!

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