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An Organized Binder Tale of Success

Posted by 
Mitch Weathers
November 26, 2013

Thanks to Nathan Fairchild for sending the following testimonial from a student in his class!

"Dear Organized Binder Team,

I have an 8th grade student with a history of poor study skills, failing test scores, and frustrated parents. In 7th grade he discovered that he could be successful with his Organized Binder. I give extra credit if they get a perfect score on the first check of the year, so for the first time he was getting bonus points. Sometimes it just takes one successful event to turn around a student. He maintained great scores on his Organized Binder checks, and then he started to do a little homework. He did ok on it. He did more, and soon he was no longer getting an F. He kept up his Organized Binder and homework and decided to study for a test. He got a D instead of an F and his science grade was up to a C. Last week he scored his first ever A on a test.

Thanks for sharing Organized Binder with me!"

Nathan Fairchild is a middle school teacher at North Woods Discovery School in Redding, CA. He implemented Organized Binder in his classroom a number of years ago and continues to help his students achieve!

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2 comments on “An Organized Binder Tale of Success”

  1. Hi all! The student I described took that that OB starting point and ran with it, going from a 1.5 GPA in 7th grade to easily graduating with over a 2.0 in 8th, including his first proficient score ever, in science where we used the OB. The OB in science ensures that students have an organized system of study materials rather the old "stuffed in my backpack" system. The daily kickoff question helps a lot,

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