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College Professors Endorse Organized Binder

Posted by 
Mitch Weathers
February 13, 2019

In the Fall of 2018 two professors wrote letters to their college's Senior Leadership Team endorsing Organized Binder. Their full letters are attached. Here are two excerpts from their letters:

The biggest benefit to students, however, is that they learn how to be a good student. I cannot over-emphasize this point. Many of our students are first generation college students, and they do not know the importance of organization to their success. They learn that through the Organized Binder platform. Could they do this with a binder of their own? Yes. Would they? Most would not. My experience says that the ones who most need this knowledge would not get organized without Organized Binder. 

D. Guy Stimers, Professor of English, Sacramento City College

I have been using Organized Binder for three semesters now. At first, I only used the binders as an organizational tool. Organized Binders played a key role in eliminating a textbook students had to purchase and replacing it with relevant and engaging articles, speeches, and other readings. Students needed a way to find the assigned articles and keep their materials in order. The daily recording of upcoming due dates is another good habit this system engenders.

Organized Binder also contributes to my classroom community. Everyone has the same binder so it is an equalizer of sorts. Several students expressed that receiving a free binder made them feel cared about.  

Rachel Spangler, Professor of Language and Literature, Sacramento City College

D. Guy Stimers SSC SLT Letter

OB testimonial Rachel Spangler

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