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A Middle School Teacher's One-Liner(s)

Posted by 
Mitch Weathers
June 15, 2016

This email from an Organized Binder middle school teacher in Southern California made me chuckle. For our May 2016 Newsletter we asked indie Organized Binder teachers to send us a one-liner about the impact the system is having on their pedagogy and/or classroom.

The first line of her response read, "I will have to pull my brain together to give you something quotable, but.." and continued (I took the liberty of separating all of her "one-liners"):

 "...let me just say that Organized Binder continues to be the matrix that holds my curriculum together."
"I've had a rough pregnancy this year and the morning sickness at the start of the school year was a doozy, and if I didn't have Organized Binder everything would have spiraled out of control."
"My students always take really well to the system and it helps me and my students stay honest and organized."
"I love it when former students visit me and tell me how much my class binder helped them prepare for organization in high school."
"My favorite part of back to school night is explaining the binder to parents and seeing their enthusiasm and high hopes for a system where they can see their student work and progress in an organized way."
That is 5 really good one liners ;-). Thank you so much. It is heartening to read how they system is helping!
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