In preparation Organized Binder Follow-Up #1 some high school teachers sent in feedback around how the system is impacting their classroom. Below is a few of those submissions:
"OB is going very well. All of my students (160) now have three ring binders with the required OB sheets. This Advisory, students were allowed to used their OB for a small time segment during their final advisory exam. Students are very organized and very rarely do I get questions on what was missed in the event of an absence, students simply refer to the class binder."
"The students respond positively to the Lifelines. They seem to enjoy the thought provoking questions that are generated."
"Organized Binder has been a blessing to my classroom! Not only does it keep the students organized, it helps keep me organized as well. The classroom rituals that have become ingrained in our daily classroom practices are indispensable. Several students have commented on how disorganized they were last year - losing papers, not turning in work. They compare their disorganization last year to their organization this year. It is easy to direct students to specific work and/or resources. Organized Binder is a wonderful organizational tool that has positively impacted students within my classroom."
"The students are happy that they are not losing papers and are doing well with starting the class with the Lifeline."
They are finally starting to understand the importance of lifelines and learning logs. They clearly are benefiting from the routine.
"The students respond positively to the Lifelines. They seem to enjoy the thought provoking questions that are generated. Their answers are getting better and they are more inclined to share during this last month."