Career Technical Education Ambassador
After teaching in one New York City's "Dirty Dozen", a high school in the south Bronx on the list for one of the 12 most violent schools, and finding successes in my classroom, I wanted to reach more people, so I became an Assistant Principal.
That position allowed me broaden my impact because it wasn't just my classroom I could influence, it was most of the school. When I became a principal in California, I was able to reach an entire school community.
I still wanted to reach more.
Hence the inception of The Traveling Principal, a means to travel the world, share and help improve leadership in schools globally.
My name is Joe Clausi, and I believe that I can help make this world a better place by helping improving schools. I'm an advocate for Career & Technical Education, and a lover of all things real world applicable in education today.
Communicating Your Way Through Current School Problems