My hope is that we all take time this summer to reflect upon and learn from our sudden shift to distanced learning this spring. Whether we go back to a traditional schedule, a hybrid of distance learning and in-school learning, or we remain 100% distanced we can learn from these past few months.
One thing I am convinced of is that students, perhaps now more than ever, need to be organized. They also need practice with the skills and habits research shows helps learners succeed. We have heard from frustrated teachers, parents, and students alike that a few months into "doing school at home" things got messy.
The COVID Gap will serve to widen existing achievement gaps and we will need to address this gap in the fall by bolstering students skills and habits.
Regardless of your school's schedule or your learning environment, here is how Organized Binder can help:
Traditional School Schedule: Create predictable classroom routines that give students daily exposure to the skills and habits needed to succeed.
Distanced Learning: Empower students to move beyond the To Do List by giving them a tangible framework to structure their daily learning.
Hybrid Schedule: Together with students, take a moment during "at school" days to outline students "at home" days to keep the same learning routines that help students achieve. Also, Organized Binder is the bridge between school and home for students to keep all of their work safely organized as they create a portfolio of their learning.
Homeschool: Parents use Organized Binder to move beyond the To Do List and structure the school day to include reflection, metacognition, time and task management, organization skills, and study strategies. Organized Binder will bring your curriculum to life!
Independent Study: IS teachers use Organized Binder to move beyond the To Do List as well and implement authentic formative assessments and help your students develop the academic skills needed to succeed!
Regardless of your school schedule or learning environment consider equipping your students with a tool that will help them thrive! We invite you to explore our website to learn more about how Organized Binder can help.
Thanks for reading and sharing,