patrice bain

Powerful Teaching


Educator, Author, Consultant

Patrice Bain, Ed.S. K–12 + university educator, speaker. Co-author of the U.S. Department of Education’s Guide: Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning and Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning. Author of A Parent’s Guide to Powerful Teaching, and the Powerful Classrooms: Evidence-informed Strategies and Resources. IllinoisT eacher of the Year Finalist, Fulbright Scholar in Europe, featured in international podcasts, webinars, presentations and popular press, including NOVA and Scientific American. Bain contributed to the United Nations UNESCO International Science and Evidence-based Education Assessment, outlining the vision for world education by 2030.

The Secret to Student Success?
Teach them How to Learn 

Thank you so much for visiting my booth!

It was a privilege to be a part of this amazing Thriving Educator’s Summit. Like you, I am enjoying visiting the
other booths and taking in all that is being offered. A big thanks to Mitch Weathers for putting this all together!

Resources I would like to share:

Download my PDF of resources

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JANUARY 18, 2025
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